
A Synchronistic Piece

This was a rather synchronistic piece. My best friend Michelle randomly said to me one night. “I think you should paint the world map into bees or something. That would be cool.” To which I sarcastically said, “I’ll get on that as soon as someone decides to send me a bunch of money to do it.” Truth be told I had thought about this painting many times, but running a business while painting giant murals and fielding email and inquiries about future projects, writing contracts, checking them with lawyers, keeping up with insurance on job sites, getting prints printed, t-shirts made, etc is a time-consuming process. I sometimes get a bit annoyed when people tell me what I should really be doing… even when it comes from my best friend. I often over-extend beyond what is fiscally logical. I don’t believe in money running my life, but I do believe that we have to think about it sometimes. But get this, literally the next day, a designer named Susan WINGFIELD… (Wingfield? Seriously?) emails me and says she would like to commission a painting of the world done as bees and honeycomb. No joke. That is how this piece happened.

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